Our Parent Liaison Team

Welcome to Fleetwood Swimming Club's Parent Liaison Team! Our team is here to help facilitate communication between our dedicated coaches and the parents of our talented swimmers.

We understand that being a parent of a swimmer can be a busy and sometimes overwhelming experience. That's why our team is committed to ensuring that parents have all the information they need to support their child's success in the pool.

Our parent liaisons act as a point of contact between coaches and parents, providing updates on training schedules, comp results, and other important information. They are also available to answer any questions or concerns that parents may have.

Our team of parent liaisons is made up of experienced parents who have been involved with the club for many years. They are passionate about supporting our swimmers and ensuring that everyone has a positive experience with Fleetwood Swimming Club.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of our parent liaisons. They are here to help and are always happy to hear from fellow parents.

Thank you for being a part of Fleetwood Swimming Club, and we look forward to working with you to help your child achieve their swimming goals!